chin-down turn mouth

Do you suffer from droopy mouth corners, making you look gloomy or angry? Then the droopy mouth corners Botulinum toxin treatment is the solution for you!

Droopy mouth corners are quite common. As happy and wonderful as you may feel inside, your face might just be sending another signal. Droopy mouth corners make you appear sad, displeased and sometimes even angry! The droopy corners appear when the muscles that keep the corners of the mouth turned down during normal facial mimicry, fail to relax afterwards and remain tense.

Mouth corners Botox treatment

The goal of correcting your droopy mouth corners is to achieve a neutral, lifted look that looks youthful and aesthetically pleasing. Botulinum toxin has a muscle-relaxing effect, the aesthetician will inject the relaxer in the depressor anguli oris muscle in your jaw, the one responsible for pulling the corners of your lips down. This will relax the muscles, and, in turn, the droopy mouth corners will lift and curl upwards.

Mouth corners Botox treatment process

We take a look at your medical background and history and then decide what treatment would suit you best. Before we start the injection process, we take pictures of the area that will be treated. That way, you will know exactly what kind of influence the droopy mouth corners Botox treatment of Complete Aesthetics & Beauty has.

The area will be thoroughly cleaned and the aesthetician will then prick the areas to be treated. This fairly easy treatment usually takes between 5–15 minutes. There may be small red spots where you have been injected, but these are almost unnoticeable. You are immediately presentable after the treatment.

Treatment length and costs

30 minutes — £150

Treatment length and costs

30 minutes — £150
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